Eric Foskett Award
The award is presented at IFEH World Congresses. It is to be awarded to either an individual or an organisation. Recipients must have made a notable contribution to the work of the Federation by helping it to fulfil its aims and objectives. Look up all recipients of the Award
About Eric Foskett
Eric W Foskett was born in 1920 in Woodville, Derbyshire, England. When he left school he went on to join the local environmental health department before serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps during the Second World War. He returned from the army and worked in a number of local authorities in the North West of England, latterly as Chief Environmental Health Officer for the City of Manchester.

The International Federation of Environmental Health was conceived by Eric, who, in 1982 convinced his professional organisation (now the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health) to take the lead in forming such a Federation. As a result, in 1985, the IFEH came into being, with the four original members being the associations representing environmental health professionals in Australia, in England, Wales & Northern Ireland, in the Republic of Ireland and in Scotland. Incorporation followed in 1986 at which time Eric became its first Honorary Secretary.
As a well-respected member of the profession he had contacts which he used to the Federation’s benefit; and the fact that he was awarded by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Order of the British Empire, speaks volumes for the esteem in which he was held by government at both a local and a national level.
When the time came for him to step down from active involvement in the day to day running of the Federation, the then Board of Directors, decided that the most fitting way to honour him would be to establish the 'Eric Foskett Award'. It is appropriate that the first recipient of the award, in 2000 in Oslo, was made to Eric, without whose vision and commitment there may never have been an International Federation of Environmental Health.
Eric Foskett died on the 7 August 2001.
At the 17th IFEH World Congress 2024, Perth, Australia, the award was presented:
Tanya Morrison President NZIEH
New Zealand Institute of Environmental Health - NZIEH
Read about the nomination.

At the 16th IFEH World Congress 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the award was presented:
Dr. Selva Mudaly Past president of IFEH Honorary Vice President IFEH Chair of the IFEH Africa Regional Group
South African Institute
of Environmental Health - SAIEH
Read about the nomination.

At the 15th IFEH World Congress 2018, Auckland, New Zealand, the award was presented:
Henning I Hansen Past president of IFEH Honorary Vice President IFEH Hon Webmaster IFEH
Danish Association of Environment and Nature, ENVINA
Read about the nomination.

At the 14th IFEH World Congress 2016, Lilongwe, Malawi, the award was presented:
Stephen Cooper Past Honorary Treasurer of IFEH
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, CIEH
Read about the nomination.

At the 13th IFEH World Congress 2014, Las Vegas, the award was presented:
Jerry Chaka Past President of IFEH Honorary Vice President of IFEH President of SAIEH
South African Institute
of Environmental Health - SAIEH
Read about the nomination.

At the 12th IFEH World Congress 2012, Vilnius, the award was presented:
Raymond Ellard Past Honorary Secretary of IFEH
Environmental Health Officers’ Association (EHOA), Ireland
Read about the nomination.

At the 11th IFEH World Congress 2010, Vancouver, the award was presented:
Diane Evans Honorary Vice President of IFEH
National Environmental Health Association NEHA), USA
Read about the nomination.

At the 10th IFEH World Congress 2008, Brisbane, the award was presented:
John Stirling Past IFEH Honorary
Royal Environmental Health Institute of
Scotland (REHIS)
Read about the nomination.

At the 9th IFEH World Congress 2006, Dublin, the award was presented:
Kia Regnér Honorary Vice President of IFEH
The Swedish Association of Environmental
Health Professionals, SAEHP
Read about the nomination.

At the 8th IFEH World Congress 2004, Durban, the award was presented:
Michael Halls Past Honorary Secretary Honorary Vice President of IFEH
Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland, REHIS
Read about the nomination.

At the 7th IFEH World Congress 2002, San Diego, the award was presented:
John McCandless Past Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, CIEH Member of IFEH Council 1994-2000.
and CIEH NI Centre (jointly)
Read about the nomination.

At the 6th IFEH World Congress 2000, Oslo, the inaugural award was presented:
Eric Foskett Honorary Vice President of IFEH † 7th of August 2001
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, CIEH
Read about the nomination.

About The Eric Foskett Award
The Eric Foskett Award is named after the founder of both IFEH and the award. Eric Foskett died in 2001.
Procedure for the Eric Foskett Award
The award is to be presented at IFEH World Congresses It is to be awarded to either an individual or an organisation
Recipient must have made a notable contribution to the work of the Federation by helping it to fulfil its aims and objectives
Nominations for the Award must be sent to the Honorary Secretary at least six weeks before the appropriate Council meeting (the appropriate meeting is one which is held at least four months before the Congress)
Nominations shall contain, where appropriate, biographical details of the candidate and sufficient information to support the nomination
All nominations fulfilling the above will be circulated to member organisations within the normal time-scale for the distribution of agenda papers
Nominations may be brought forward by an IFEH Member or Associated Member organisation, by the IFEH Council itself or by an Honorary Vice President
The award will take the form of a suitable object accompanied by a certificate recording the history of the award and the qualifying achievements of the recipient.
Where more than one person or organisation is nominated the Board shall evaluate the nominations and set up a Committee to determine how the award is to be made.


Sponsor of the IFEH Eric Foskett Award
 IFEH World Congress 2022 23 - 25 August 2022 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hosted by: Malaysian Association of Environmental Health