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Eric Foskett Award 2014

The award is presented at IFEH World Congresses. It is to be awarded to either an individual or an organisation. Recipients must have made a notable contribution to the work of the Federation by helping it to fulfil its aims and objectives.

Below you will find information on the recipient of the Eric Foskett Award 2014


At the 13th IFEH World Congress 2014, Las Vegas  the award was presented:


Jerry Chaka
Past President of IFEH
Honorary Vice President of IFEH
President of SAIEH

South African Institute of Environmental Health - SAIEH


Jerry Chaka

Eric Foskett Award 2014
- Awarded to  Jerry Chaka

Jerry Chaka qualified as an Environmental Health Officer (EHO) in South Africa in 1983. From 1983 Jerry held various posts firstly in Bophuthatswana Health Dept until 1987 when he moved to Pretoria City Council where he served until 1997 when he moved to Nigel Town Council. In 2000 he was appointed to Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality where he has served in various posts rising to his current position of Director of Environmental Health.

Jerry is a Past President of the International Federation of Environmental Health and this award recognises, not only his achievements in his own career, but the leading part he has played in the development of Environmental Health throughout Africa not only at undergraduate level but also in the development of the Profession within the continent.

The award to Jerry was announced at the Federation's Council Meeting held in Las Vegas in July 2014 as part of the 13th World Congress on Environmental Health.


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IFEH World Congress 2014

July 7-10 2014 NEHA, National Environmental Health Association, USA hosted the 13
th IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health.